Monday, August 3, 2009

Under the Roman Sun

       I vividly remember the remarkable view of the perfectly structured buildings from the top of the double-decker bus, the sweetness of the rich chocolate gelato teasing the tip of my tongue, the sweat sliding down at the sides of both my cheeks, the countless local workers making havoc as they forced their way through each ecstatic tourist to buy their goods, all under the Roman sun.

It didn't take long for me to fall in love with the place

       It came to a point where I made an abrupt stop to take a couple of seconds to breathe in and absorb the atmosphere to actually get the notion in my head that I was really in Rome. As a 90's child watching and forever looking up to Hilary Duff in Lizzie Maguire, Rome was the place to be. As cheesy as it sounds, I knew if it wouldn't be as great as I expect it to be, it will definitely be greater.

      My humble experience under the Roman sun fell on a quiet Monday morning. We slept on the plane from Amsterdam and it took us hours to get to the local destination. I woke up to the sight of the sun beaming through the glass window and there we were, in like just a blink of en eye, waving hysterically above the Roman grounds.

      We marched in the airport as we smiled unconsciously from ear to ear.